Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A cow never sounded so sweet

I have an app on my iPhone that features many different animals.  The one that pops up first, every time is a cow with a long "mmmmmoooooooooo" I then follow up with, "cow."  Cooper taps it and it moves on to the next creature.  It's the go-to when Coop is on the verge of a melt down.  One day, while playing with a wooden farm puzzle Coop picked up the cow and did a little "mmm."  Not very long, but it was clear what he was trying to say.  I ofcourse copied him which he thought was pretty cool.  It was an amazing moment.  It was the first actual identified sound... I think of it as a word.  Sure he says "mamamama", "dadadada" but this was tied directly to an animal!  His cows moo with their mouths closed.  It's as if they are saying that something is really yummy.  "Cooper, what does a cow say?"  "Mmmmmm."

It wasn't much longer when we were at a friends house making smores by the camp fire.  One of their horses was constantly neighing at a neighbor horse.  All of a sudden Cooper threw out the most adorable squealing neigh.  It sounded a little more like a high pitched squealing moo, but it was certainly a horse.  Like the cow he loves to belt out the sound when you ask, or when he sees one.  It was officially his second animal sound.

When ever a fish would come up on the app it would play a water sound.  I aways say "fish" and do the fish lips.  Every time he played with it he would always turn and look at me when the  fish appeared... waiting for the lips.  That was his third animal sound... well actually move.

We are surrounded by goats at mom and dads.  There are three bottle babies right now that are constant noise.  Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh... imagine that times three every time they catch site of you.  It's a good thing they are cute.  Anyway, Cooper picked up on those little devils.  When I say it to him I get at least three ah's out there.  When he says it, no matter how hard he tries, he can only get out one "ah".  Aaaaaaaadoreable!

We can't wait to see what comes next.  We have worked on all sorts of other sounds but he doesn't seem interested in exploring other animals at this time... but he loves watching us make fools of ourselves with encouragement.

I have certainly moo'd more in the last month than my entire life and I can't wait to moo some more.

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